Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Updates, Instagram Account

Work has been busy of late, and of course, I'm still doing everything on this blog from the blogger iPhone app because of my broken computer (I honestly have no idea what to get for a new computer, I've never had to buy one myself/by myself before).

First: I'm sure at this point anyone with an iPhone or iPod touch has heard of the "Instagram" application. It's a Photoshop-type app that has an assortment of old-timey and kitchy filters you can apply to your photos, along with the ability to share them to an assortment of social-networking sites (twitter, Tumblr, Facebook etc.). There is also the Instagram photostream where you can view other user's additions. Definitely a fun little app! My Instagram username is "dollymacabre" for anyone else using the application :)

Secondly: While Dolly Kei isn't necessarily brand-oriented like Lolita and Gyaru, there are definitely some shops and brands that are recognizable as being "dolly". I've decided to do a series of Dolly Kei brand "breakdowns" to talk a little bit about their creation and what they're known for. I'm thinking about calling them "Brand Doctrine"? I haven't really decided yet. If you have any pertinent information on any of the dolly brands or shops you'd like to share, please e-mail to DollyMacabre@gmail.com

Thirdly: I've mentioned a few times that I had been working on a sort of bigger Dolly-related post, which I obviously have yet to publish. It's concerning the morals of the fashion, and I've pushed it back for the next little while. It's mostly complete though :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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